Mário Laginha Trio and Vasco Dantas

Other Worlds

Venue: Monastery of Alcobaça - Cloister of D. Dinis



As I tried to choose the pieces by Chopin to work on, I realised that the profusion of melodies and harmonic richness are a constant throughout his music. In the Scherzo, the Ballade, the Fantasia and even the Nocturnes, I only used part of these melodies (sometimes just one). I took a lot of liberties. I changed measures, tempos, modified some harmonies - even melodies - created space for improvisation, in short, I never refrained from altering what I felt was necessary to bring Chopin's music closer to my musical universe. I had to. Ironically, I have a solemn dislike for versions of classical themes in which a jazz or pop rhythm is added. I would never do that. I wanted to make the musical source recognisable, but I did my best not to have such deference as to inhibit me from transforming anything. This concert is a kind of heresy overflowing with respect for the composer. And it seems almost a duty to pay homage to one of the greatest improvisers of all time with music that has improvisation at its core.

Mário Laginha

Frédéric Chopin (1810–1849)
Balada Op. 23 N.º1
Nocturno Op. 48 N.º1
Nocturno Op. 15 N.º1
Valsa Op. 34 N.º2

Mário Laginha, piano
Bernardo Moreira, double bass
Alexandre Frazão, drums
Vasco Dantas, piano


If you have any questions, please contact us:
Tel. 967 716 647 or info@cistermusica.com

“la Caixa” Foundation · BPI Bank is Patron of the 32nd edition of the Alcobaça Music Festival