Cistermúsica anticipates all evening shows to 9.00 pm


We inform that due to the entry of the municipality of Alcobaça in the list of municipalities with high risk of Covid-19, a factor that implies more restrictive measures in the cultural sector, the schedules of  all evening shows were anticipated to 9.00 pm.
The doors for those shows will open at 8.40 pm.

We also inform that the show "Não canteis a valsa, três cadernos em dueto" by the company Dança em Diálogos on 21st July will take place at Cine-Teatro de Alcobaça - João d'Oliva Monteiro, also at 9pm.

Tickets for this show are available at:

We thank you for your understanding.

Note: This anticipation is naturally due to the restrictions applied to the culture sector in the high risk category in which cultural shows must take place until 22.30 pm.