July 22, 09:30 PM
Monastery of Santa Maria de Alcobaça (Monks Hall)
Pedro and Inês, a timeless love, now portrayed in the XXI century. Pedro, son of Afonso, president of Borgonha company, knows the culture minister, Constance, and her secretary, Inês, thanks to a partnership that will hold an exhibition of valuable paintings. However, corruption prevails in this project, causing a suffering that will dominate the characters lives.
Text Adaptation: Nádia Rocha, Daniela Marques Daniela Ferreira, Joana Mota, Sonia Oliveira
Staging: Luís Sousa
Light Design: Luís Sousa
Sound Design: Pedro Azinheira
Queen Mother: Dalila Vicente
D. Afonso: Marco Coelho
D.ª Constança: Neide Luís
D. Pedro: Pedro Azinheira
D. Inês: Sónia Oliveira
Shareholder 1: Susana Luís
Shareholder 2: Eliana Mota
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